Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hindi Movie: New York

I watched New York last night and was very impressed. I did not hear about the movie until last month. And once I heard that it was a Yash's movie, I postponed watching it thinking it is another comedy or musical. I was thoroughly amazed to see that the movie content it revolved around post-9/11 dealings with the suspects of the attack. Even though it is a very sensitive subject, that too for a foreigner(non-US) to handle it, the story, screenplay, direction were all meticulously crafted and very well handled. Also to my surprise, Katrina is not just another 'model' in the movie...she actually acted well and carried her character efficiently. Thanks to Kabir Khan, Sandeep Srivatsava and the Yash's..we do have a good movie to watch after a long time. Whats interesting is (to the best I know) there have been no other movies on post-9/11 related to Gitmo detention center made so far and I am glad the first one is indeed good, non-controversial and perfectly presented.

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